Costa Rica Directory

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Directory last update: 2011-02-09 12:51:14
Seminario ESEPA

Refrescando la visi�n educativa de la Iglesia.

Listing Information
Address: Estamos ubicados 200 metros este del Supermercado Hiperm�s,en San Sebasti�n, upermercado Hiperm�s,en San Sebasti�n.
San Jos�
San Jos� 161-1350 San Sebasti�n, Costa Rica.
Costa Rica
Telephone: (506) 226-3684 / (506) 227-1958
Fax: (506) 227-8974
Average Visitor Rating: 0.00 (Out of 5)
Number of ratings: 0
Hits: 1337

Reviews (1)
Visted ESEPA
Reviewed by Chuck Waite, 2009-09-26

In the middle 1990's, I twice visited ESEPA. The organization with which I worked, Overseas Council, supported the training of church leaders there.
I was impressed with the quality of education as well as the future opportunities for ESEPA to be a key school in Latin America.

One of the ministries I visited was their prison ministry. I now am involved in a prison ministry in Washington State. I will never forget what I saw at ESEPA

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