Africa Mia PDF Print E-mail
Africa Mia is a private natural preserve. Its owner, Mr. Mario Sotela Blen, is a movie producer and Costa Rican businessman widely acknowledged in different sectors of the communication media. He created Africa Mia as a singular entertainment option, open to the public and companies. It's an ecotourism project aspiring to bring economic and social benefits to the zone of El Salto, Guanacaste and increase awareness in conservation issues.

Africa Mia Costa Rica
Africa Mia
Africa Mia presents savanna-like conditions, as the main attraction zones in Africa; imported animals may live in a natural habitat, with the advantage of having no predators. One hundred hectares allow visitors the possibility of seeing 250 species in a same place: the collection of African ones as well as the native species of Guanacaste.

Along with the characteristic flora and fauna of the crea: monkeys, agoutis, and migratory birds, you may also observe an exotic group of animals including gnus, warthogs (Phacochoerus aethiopicus), zebras, oryx, among others.

Open House & Africa Mia 2008 Festival

On the last week-end of November, companies and the general public enjoyed varied activities. Africa Mia, in Liberia, faithful to its commitment, of serving and updating the national and Guanacastecan community, opened its doors on November 29 and 30. The Open House & Africa Mia 2008 Festival was a green entertainment for families combining social, cultural and commercial activities.

Manager Schlicker thinks
this activity was an excellent opportunity to be in contact with nature, in a natural and colorful environment establishing relationships with investors, developers, impresarios, and national managers of diverse areas.
Owing to its geographical location, its tourist attractions and natural surroundings, as well as the amplitude of the area, they received a large number of guests and company representatives.

The incorporation of Africa Mia as part of vacation packages with hotels in the area, consolidate it as a choice destination; for the Costa Rican population and for foreign visitors ifs an "attraction" or theme park of high category that increases and diversifies the tourism offer of a highly demanding segment searching for quality services.
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